Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

how to make a bottle canopy


According to size of canopy, we use a pet plastic bottle of apropriate size.
Cut the bottom of the bottle and allso the top away.

Now take your canopy positive plug (look at Part 2 on how to make it) and press fit into the bottle.

Of course, you should trim bottom of your plug to made tight fit. But not overdoo..the overthight fit can crush foam plug!

On the areas where foam and bottle are appart, pres some wedges to fill the gaps.

You must do that at "bottom" of the canopy plug.

Now, use fork to pierce it to the exposed foam at the bottom of the bottle. Fork will serve as a handle, at processs that follows.

Take large enough pot, and boil the water in it. Dont fill the water up to the edge of the pot! Leave some space, as water level will rise when we dip our mold in the water!
Be very carefuly, not to boil yourself with the water!

Dip your mold in the boiling water and turn it from side to side, so all plastic will recieve a heat from water.

After about 30 seconds, rise mold from the water and check, how the shrinking of plastic bottle goes. If needed, dip it again into the water, until you are satisfied with its look.

Usually it takes about 1-2 minutes to get desired result.

Often the shrinking of the bottle in the water is not sufficient at some of canopies.
Look at the front edge on photo bellow.

Obviously, there is needed more of shrinking!

It is not a problem! We can use hot air blower (Old paint remower, not a hair dryer!) and carefully heat the area, that cause problem. But you must be very careful doing that, as foam, can melt under the heat, and you will get distorted canopy!!

Now you use sharp knife and cut the usefull part away. It is not a bad idea to mark the canopy outline on the plug and not cut slightly outsuide, so we get enough material for trimming, when assembling canopy to the model.

Again, be carefull, not to cut yourself!

And "voila", our first canopy is allmost done!!!

You can make many of them, different sizes, colors....

And make your model proud .

My design of electric glider Guppy, with homemade canopy, done as described above

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